What is this?

Mental health refers to the emotional and psychological well-being of an individual and their ability to effectively navigate their environment. It incorporates a broad range of factors related to a person's capacity to cope with life, from their perception of their surroundings to their ability to concentrate, regulate their emotions, and manage stress. Ultimately, good mental health is contingent on the individual's ability to balance both physical and mental health; and to identify, recognize and harness the resources that are available to them to maintain or sustain positive mental health.

See also: subjective well-being, pair bonding, feedback loop, culture space, possibility space

Unpacking the Meta-Crisis, Q&A with Jordan Hall 13,899

Situational Assessment w/ Jordan Hall (April 4, 2020) 2,710

Situational Assessment w/ Jordan Hall (March 21, 2020) 2,065

A continuing dialogue with John V. 2,062

Member Sensemaking Call, Jordan Hall 'The Unfolding Meta-Crisis' 170

Jordan Hall full talk on self organizing systems, Covid-19, Burning Man 96